The innovation can actually shift and shapes the world. To turn an Innovation or innovative idea into a product it requires an array of tools namely research, technology, development and Funding. Despite great need and a great opportunity, investment in an innovation is still primary. Unequal resources and economic support tend to lead to more investments into those innovations, while some really innovative and world changing innovations in the world won’t come into existence due to lack of resources and capital. There are some bright spots of innovative ideas taking hold in the world. overall, these are the exception rather than the rule.
An innovation needs investors and passionate backers who can support those innovations. Crowdfunding, as we know it today, did not exist a decade ago. Who would have thought that you could raise money from people through a decentralized platform? Kakushin Ecosystem is using blockchain technology for raising funds for innovations, innovators need to present their Ideas in decentralized ecosystem where investors would fund their invention without knowing them personally, or physically holding their product. It sounds far-fetched, but will happen repeatedly, and at an ever-increasing rate.
KAKUSHIN Ecosystem enables Innovators to sell, buy and lease their products on the decentralized commercial platform where buyers can buy the product using any fiat or digital Currency, kakushin’s Exchange convert any currency. Kakushin will implement potential Innovation on the decentralized applications.
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